Use Personal Injury Calculator Below to See What You Could Be Entitled To

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Personal Injury Settlement Calculator

Enter the total of your medical bills, If you didn't seek medical help but have pain and suffering, multiply each day you suffered with pain by the amount you usually make in a day's work.
Enter your Property Damage amount: the damage to your vehicle. You'll leave this at zero for most other types of injury claims
Enter the total amount of your lost earnings. If you took paid time off, enter those days as non-paid
Enter an estimate of future lost Income due to needed future medical treatments or recovery time when you won't be able to work.
Estimated Future Medical Expenses for ongoing treatments related to the accident.
Multiplier for General Damages: Use 1.5 as a starting point. If you have extensive injuries that will last a lifetime, you may go as high as 5, but a settlement with a multiplier of 5 has to be almost deathly serious medical issues with continuing pain or lifelong struggles ahead due to the accident.

Settlement Value Estimates

This is the sum of your "special" damages, or economic losses.
This is a payment for your general damages (pain and suffering), based on the multiplier you've chosen. We also include a $1,000 "nuisance settlement" value.

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