When you are injured in an accident, you may suffer from a range of injuries that have different prognoses and settlement values. If you have post-concussion syndrome, it can be hard to put a dollar amount on your damages. This condition often causes long-term pain and symptoms that may not go away for months or even years after the initial injury. Let’s take a look at post-concussion syndrome and what kind of settlement value you can expect if you pursue legal action.

What is Post Concussion Syndrome?

Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a condition that can occur after someone suffers a concussion. A concussion is a brain injury that occurs when something hits or shakes the head violently. This shaking or impact can cause the brain to bounce around inside the skull, leading to bruising and bleeding.

Symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, memory problems, and mood changes. These symptoms can persist for weeks or months after the concussion occurs. PCS can cause a great deal of pain and suffering for victims and their families.

Some sufferers of post-concussion syndrome can face a range of long-term symptoms lasting for months or even years after the initial injury.

PCS often results in lost wages and medical bills. Victims may also experience relationship problems or difficulties at work. Many post-concussion syndrome patients feel like they have lost control over their lives and future.

If you are experiencing any of the above-listed symptoms after a car accident, it is vital to see a doctor and get diagnosed. Post-concussion syndrome can impact your ability to work and live your life normally, so it is crucial to seek compensation from the party responsible for your injuries.

How Does Post Concussion Syndrome Impact Victims?

Post-concussion syndrome can be a challenging condition to live with. The symptoms themselves are painful and frustrating, but they can also lead to relationship problems and difficulties at work. Many victims of post-concussion syndrome feel like they have lost control over their life and their future.

Family members of someone suffering from post-concussion syndrome often feel helpless and frustrated. They may not know how to help their loved ones or how to deal with the long-term effects of the injury.

If you are suffering from post-concussion syndrome after a car accident, it is essential to seek legal help. A qualified personal injury lawyer can help you negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company. You may be able to receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

What is the Prognosis for Post Concussion Syndrome Patients?

There is no one answer to this question. Some post-concussion syndrome patients experience a complete recovery, while others continue to suffer from long-term symptoms. There is no way to predict how an individual will recover from a concussion or post-concussion syndrome.

Putting a dollar amount on post-concussion syndrome settlements is difficult due to the lack of a recovery time frame. Each case is unique and must be evaluated on its own merits. However, if you suffer from post-concussion syndrome after a car accident, you should seek legal help to get the compensation you deserve.

How Do Post Concussion Syndrome Settlements Work?

If you decide to pursue a post-concussion syndrome settlement, your lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. The amount of money you can expect to receive depends on several factors, including the severity of your symptoms and their duration.

Generally, post-concussion syndrome settlements range from $25,000 to $50,000. However, if your case is more complicated or if you suffered significant losses, you may receive more money.

The settlement value for post-concussion syndrome will vary depending on the intensity and persistence of your pain or other symptoms. In some cases, the post-concussion syndrome may be permanent, and you may never fully recover. In these cases, a fair settlement value would be higher than for someone who only has temporary symptoms.

It is crucial to speak with a qualified personal injury lawyer about your specific case. They will be able to give you an idea of what you can expect to receive and will help guide you through the settlement process.

What if I am At-Fault for the Car Accident?

In Texas, you can still pursue a post-concussion syndrome settlement if you are partially at fault for the car accident. However, the amount you can expect to receive will be lower than if someone else was fully at-fault for your injuries.

If you are partially at fault for a car accident and suffer from post-concussion syndrome, you must speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. They will be able to help you file a claim and negotiate a fair settlement with the insurance company.

We Can Help

At Jarrett Law Firm, our personal injury attorneys help victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve. We are here for you if you are suffering from post-concussion syndrome after a car accident.

Call us today for a free consultation. We can evaluate your case and let you know what your options are. You may be able to receive money for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Don’t suffer in silence – contact Jarrett Law Firm today!